The Asian-Pacific City Summit (APCS) is a platform for international leaders, and it functions as an opportunity for city leaders from the Asia Pacific region to create cooperative relationships. It is an ideal chance to build and expand networks for further urban development by sharing best practices for solving urban issues and actively exchanging opinions.
Established in 1994, a total of 13 Mayor Summits and 10 Working Level Conferences have been held to date, with 33 member cities from 15 countries attending from around the Asia Pacific region.
22 (Thursday) - 24 (Saturday) August 2024
Urban Policy for Connections under the New Normal
Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean
14th APCS Outline(English)(PDF:454KB)
Kagoshima City, located in southern Japan, has long flourished as a center of exchange with Asia and the rest of the world.
Kagoshima boasts Kagoshima Chuo Station, the southern terminus of the bullet train that links the Japanese archipelago; Kagoshima Port and Marine Port Kagoshima, the latter of which can take in large cruise ships; and Kagoshima Airport, which offers international flights and is located a short way from Kagoshima City. With these facilities and more, Kagoshima City is equipped with the foundation to support exchange within Japan and with other countries.
As the capital of Kagoshima Prefecture, Kagoshima City integrates high-level urban functions in areas such as government, commerce, education, culture, and medicine, forming an urban space in which diverse urban functions are well-balanced with bountiful nature.
Kagoshima City is also blessed with abundant nature. Spreading out right before your eyes in the heart of the city is the grand volcano Sakurajima and the calm waters of Kinko Bay, a view the likes of which exist almost nowhere else on earth. In addition to this unique view, you can enjoy a rich variety of fresh cuisine and hot springs in every part of the city.
We are striving for a sustainable city in which every resident can live mentally rich and healthy lives among the balanced integration of this diverse natural environment and these urban functions.
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